Kombi Rust Repairs: 1961 VW Splitcreen Samba Roof

Kombi Rust Repairs: 1961 VW Splitcreen Samba Roof

The Samba roof, with its array of skylight windows and iconic sliding canvas, is one of the most distinctive features of the 1961 VW Kombi, making ...
Rust Prevention for your Beloved Classic VW Kombi

Rust Prevention for your Beloved Classic VW Kombi

Knowledgeable information
So let's talk about rust prevention. Rust pretty well has to be the biggest fear most Kombi owners have. We get asked all the time. What can I do t...
Restoration and Rust Repairs of VW Kombi Deluxe Microbus

Restoration and Rust Repairs of VW Kombi Deluxe Microbus

deluxe microbus
Righteous Kombis have been lucky to have the opportunity to transform Ginger into the bus she deserves to be.  Our customer came to us wanting to r...
Dirty Fuel Tanks a Common Problem for the T3

Dirty Fuel Tanks a Common Problem for the T3

dirty fuel
Over the past 3-4 years of working on T3's we have found the we have dealt with many issues related to dirty fuel and most of these have stemmed fr...
How much is a Kombi Worth? The value of a pre-purchase inspection.

How much is a Kombi Worth? The value of a pre-purchase inspection.

Knowledgeable information
We get a lot of enquiries from proud Kombi owners who are ready to part with their pride and joy. Often they would like to know how much they are w...
Finding a VW Graveyard

Finding a VW Graveyard

Knowledgeable information
We stumbled across a VW graveyard on the weekend! It was very cool, with heaps of old VW Beetles, and a few Bay Window Kombis, Splitscreens and Typ...
Do Volkswagens really catch fire? and why?

Do Volkswagens really catch fire? and why?

Knowledgeable information
About a month ago, a VW Kombi caught fire on Parramatta Rd, Sydney, and burnt to the ground. There was no explanation as to what caused it, or how ...